Like data? Like transit? Like being creative?
Participate in UChicago Transit Enthusiast’s annual datathon competition! You and a team of up to 3 other friends are encouraged to compete and build web apps, data analysis projects, algorithms or any other tech-centered solution about any form of transportation in Chicago: Metra, Pace, CTA, and even micro transit services like university shuttle services or Divvy.
Academics from the University and professionals in the transportation industry will be available to answer any questions and give you some starting ideas.
At the end of the evening, you will present to our panel of judges to compete for a piece of the prize pool (amount TBA).
The event will be held in the MADD Center in John Crerar Library.
Event Schedule
12:00pm – 12:30pm | Introduction, kickoff lecture |
12:30pm – 6:30pm | Free work time |
6:30pm – 7:00pm | Dinner served |
7:00pm – 8:00pm | Presentations and judging |
8:00pm – 8:30pm | Awards ceremony, wrap-up |
Countdown to Transit Hacks
Interested? Let us know!
Sign up now to be the first to know when team registration opens and more information becomes available about Transit Hacks.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the prizes for winning the Datathon?
To be announced!
Who can participate in a team?
All students (undergraduate and graduate) and post-docs may participate in a team or register a team for free. If you are not a UChicago student but still would like to participate, please register and we will reach out to you about participating. In the event registration for the Transit Hacks event becomes full, priority for team registration will go to UChicago students first, Chicagoland area undergraduates second, then all else after.
Who are the judges?
To be announced!